WeFlex Web Platform
The first web platform to connect people with a disability to fitness professionals at scale.
Position: Chief Product Officer, Digital Creators
Duration: 6 months
Location: Australia
Web Platform - Frontend is Typescript using React JS
Backend - Python using Django
Admin Portal - Django Admin
Analytics - Google Analytics
Core Team:
Lead Designers: Gillian Seeley, Johanna Klaus
Lead Engineers: Jordan Koncz, Richard Yuwono, Ali Azarkhish
Advisory: Ben Reid
Goal: To design, build, develop and test a new marketplace MVP for people with a disability and personal trainers.
Outcome: Success. Product is live in market. Client re-engaged for ongoing design, development and support. Client is on track to raise their next round of funding.
View WeFlex: https://weflex.com.au/
WeFlex began with two brothers, Tommy and Jack, in a gym, having fun and getting their Flex on! However, Jack being on the Autism Spectrum meant that he had trouble finding a personal trainer who would meet his unique needs. So, Tommy became a personal trainer himself, and trained Jack. It was whilst studying for his Cert. IV, when Tommy noticed a complete lack of training and services, supporting people living with disability in the health and fitness industry. Hence, WeFlex was born! The needs of a person with a disability to match with a fitness professional vary widely. These people are also able to receive financial support via NDIS schemes to allocate towards fitness development. For these reasons an 'off-the-shelf' solution could not be employed. It was important to identify the unique user journey for this matching process and prioritise epics and features accordingly.